Tuesday 9 August 2011

A design of a menu

I am going to show a menu that I designed for a Bar in a village in Cantabria (Spain) called "El Tramo". They had already a corporate identity and I just have to create a design for a menu that they wanted to start offering.

Below is the corporate identity that they have got and which I had to use for the design:

When you make a design for a brand which is already created, you can make changes but you have to keep his corporative colors and mainly, the essence.

The design

frontback side

They wanted something simple so I made the design trying to show clearly what they wanted to offer. Different colors for the titles of the kind of meals, contrasting with the background to get them easy to read and find them.

I used a light color behind the bar brand to give it relevance and leadership, but being degrading the color to black as the background of the corporate identity is in that tone, and further, it gave me greater opportunity to play with the typography color. In my opinion this give the menu more personality.

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